Sunday, January 25, 2009

How to Learn and Analyze: Sr. Lory's 4 Questions for Inauguration Day

To help the students organize their thoughts about the Inauguration Day, Sr. Lory used a teaching tool which involves asking four questions. She wrote them on the green poster boad pictured above. (In the second photo, partly showing the sign, is student Jennie Gorden and Sr. Lory.)
The four questions are: 1. What information do you gather about the news (of the inauguration) from your five senses, e.g. see , hear, touch, etc.?
2. How do you feel (emotionally) about the news event?
3. What meaning does the event have for you or to society?
4. What decisions will you make about this event; what will you do about it?
These questions could apply to any event that occurs in the news or for a story from history. Why don't you try it at your school or in your own life and see?
-- Adrian

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