Monday, November 24, 2008

Tom Piazza Visits St. Vincent de Paul Learning Center

Here is some exciting news! Tom Piazza, the author of City of Refuge and Why New Orleans Matters, visited our school today! He came, took the tour of the school, and joined in with our small group class for a couple of hours. It was a great experience for our students, teachers, and all involved.
This was Tom's first visit to our school, but it won't be his last. He said he hopes to come back again, and we all at SVDP-ALC are looking forward to that.
Tom and the students read passages from City of Refuge and discussed what they learned and read. We used the Teacher/Tutor Guide published by the Literacy Alliance of Greater New Orleans as the basis for our little program today. Sr. Lory and Sr. Kathleeen joined in the discussion, and it was my distinct honor to moderate this event.
It was a great learning experience for our class, and it was a great time too! I will post more photos and write-ups about this exciting event later.
Thanks again to Tom Piazza for visiting us today, and we look forward to your next visit.
-- Adrian

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