Sunday, November 30, 2008

School Field Trip to the D-Day Museum

Our SVDP-ALC school had its first field trip on Wednesday, 25 Nov. to the National World War ll Museum (commonly called the D-Day Museum) in New Orleans.

Sr. Lory, Sr. Kathleen, several students, and I went to the museum and saw the incredible historic sites there in our three hour visit.

Of course the museum is so large that even three hours is grossly inadequate to see everything. It could take days if not weeks to actually see everything the museum has to offer. We saw an overview of the war in the Pacific (the USA vs. Japan) and of the D-Day planning (the battle of Normandy between the USA and its Allies vs Nazi Germany). We also saw the section on the war on the home front in New Orleans and information about the Higgins boats and Higgins industries.

Some of our students are planning to write essays about what they saw, and we will post some of them on this blog later.

-- Adrian

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