Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Awards Celebration at SVDP-ALC

Usually twice per year we have a student awards event at our school. Last Thursday we had the Winter Awards. Several students received certificates and awards for academic accomplishments from improvements in class work to special awards for writing essays or history research projects. Sr. Kathleen and Sr. Lory made this a special day for SVDP-ALC as it was the last day of the year 2008 for us as well. So, we had a party too, complete with homemade brownies and pralines, various cookies, cakes, milk, and soft drinks. (Sr. Kathleen made the great pralines and cookies!)

In the photos we can also see Terrell receiving an award for academic improvement, Dwana receiving an award for her history research project based on our trip to the National WW2 Museum (D-Day Museum), and Sr. Silvia getting an award for her essay writing, some of which appears on this blog and in the newsletter AmeriWord at Jennie also received an award for her essay contribution to the Change Agent magazine, and Edward received an award for academic improvement.
Congratulations to all !
-- Adrian

1 comment:

Judithica said...

What great motivations for your students! Love the blog keep up the good work!