Thursday, April 9, 2009

Literacy AmeriCorps New Orleans Goes to Pittsburgh

Well, here we are -- Literacy AmeriCorps New Orleans -- at the Pittsburgh airport ... at least most of us. (Actually, this is as we were departing Pittsburgh; I couldn't get my camera to work earlier. Good grief, I need a new camera!)
From left to right are Laura, Lauren, me (Adrian), Molly, Libby, Miriam, Caroline, and in the back Robert, and BJ. Nick was taking the photo, so we can't see him. Kenneth and Michel were elsewhere, so missed the photo-op. Also, I must apologize to Kimberly and Nick who were present for this photo-op but don't appear in the picture. (I took another photo too which didn't develop right.) With the aid of a bad camera, I somehow managed to accidently cut them out of the photos. Sorry about that, Kim and Nick.
Sarah and Gibson took a different flight. We were all smiling because we knew we "got things done." I'm smiling too; I just don't show it much.
-- Adrian

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